Semester: Winter
Lectures/Classes: 15 / 15 hours
Field of study: Ecomomics
Study cycle: 1st cycle
Type of course: compulsory
Contact person: dr Tomasz Pilawka
Short description: Scope of market research. Market analysis process. Market research methods, International trade on selected markets.
Full description: Scope of market research. General test procedure. Data sources. Secondary data evaluation. Scope and structure of primary research. Observation methods. Data analysis. Market intervention, quota and aid systems. Analysis of individual markets in Poland/ EU countries. Import, export, balance sheet, geographical structure, commodity structure. Preparation of a project of analysis of a selected market by the student.
Bibliography: 1. Hoeckman B., Kostecki M. – Ekonomia światowego systemu handlu. Wydawnictwo AE we Wrocławiu. Wrocław 2002. 2. Pawlak K. Poczta W. Międzynarodowy handel rolny Wyd PWE, W-wa 2011 3. Puślecki Z.,W. Skrzypińska J. Unia Europejska w systemie handlu zewnętrznego WTO Wyd. Elipsa Warszawa 2011. 4. Churchill GA, Brown TJ, Basic Marketing Research, Thomsons South Western, Ohio 2004 5. Kędzior Z. Badania rynku. Metody i zastosowania, PWE, Warszawa 2004. 6. Mruk H.(red.),Analiza rynku, PWE Warszawa 2003.
Learning outcomes: Knowledge: the student knows and understands the basic processes of market research: planning a research project, collecting data, analyzing and interpreting data, and preparing a research report. An important effect is also having the ability to adapt research methods to the market situation. Skills: The graduate is able to understand market processes. He can also use the basic quantitative and qualitative methods of market research. Social competences: the student is aware of the importance of the rules for trading products on the markets
Assessment methods and assessment criteria: Classes 60% - project preparation, Lecture - 40% - exam

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